Welcome To BrethrenPedia The wiki aims to document the history, doctrinal stands, people, books, magazines, and everything connected with this group of people. Please note the following:
- We invite Brethren as well as non-Brethren to contribute.
- You must be registered before you can contribute/edit essays.
- We have a zero-tolerance policy against spamming and vandalism.
- We welcome information about all aspects related to the Brethren, but with patience and respect towards a rich diversity of views and practices from our earliest days.
- Accurate history without airing grudges against people or groups to further unhelpful division, with respect for the fine, difficult balance between biblical autonomy and inter-dependency, as other portions of Christendom are watching, not to mention a truth-seeking world.
- Griffith Thomas once observed, "The Brethren are remarkable people for rightly dividing the Word of Truth and wrongly dividing themselves!" However, we believe there's much to be learned from shared as well as divisions that will unify and draw us closer to the Lord... the challenge to write with God's glory in mind afflicts all of us, and begs humility, and a joyful spirit.
How To Get Involved
- Please go to top right "login" section and register yourself
- Consult the User's Guide for information on using the wiki software.
- Consider adding the following
- Information about your assembly
- Information about 'people'
- History of your assembly
- Information about Assembly ministries
- Information about Bible Institutes
- Information about Support organization
- Photographs of historical importance
- Books by Brethren
- Magazines: Current and old
- Links to audio and video
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